Called & Gifted

"I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit"

John 15:16

The Called & Gifted Discernment Process is a five-week experience to help individuals identify and articulate the charisms, or spiritual gifts, they possess. These gifts, provided by the Holy Spirit, empower Christians to embody and represent Christ, as well as to channel God's goodness to others. The program emphasizes that all charisms, whether they seem extraordinary or ordinary, should be used in the service of God, aligning with the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The entire process is designed to aid participants in recognizing and understanding their unique spiritual gifts.

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What does the process include?

Part 1: is the Called and Gifted workshop, which lays the foundation for the beginning of discernment. During the initial Called & Gifted workshop series the participants will take the Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory.

Part 2: is a conversation with a trained host, who has previously experienced Called & Gifted, who provides suggestions on how you can navigate discerning your gifts, to help you move forward

Part 3: helps you begin discernment in the real world. It will teach you how to: develop charism experiments, evaluate your results identify ways you can be empowered to use your charisms

Who is this for?

Anyone who desires to uncover how God is calling them to build His kingdom here on earth!

Who runs the course?

This is the cool thing, we have our very own parishioners who act as resident facilitators who, just like you, experienced the course for themselves, and got so excited about what they learned they wanted to be professionally trained to facilitate it for others!

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