What happens at Mass?

A typical mass lasts about an hour and includes worship music, scripture readings, a reflection on those readings, and culminates in communion. As Catholics we believe that Jesus Christ is present in the bread and wine that is consecrated at Mass.

What do I wear?

You can wear whatever you want. There are some people who wear suits and ties but many become more casual (pants and a button-down shirt). Some families come from sporting events and others wear jeans and T-shirts.

Will I be asked to give money?

If you are a visitor / guest, don't feel obligated to give - we're glad you joined us. We do bring an offering, this is for our members and regular attendees, and those who feel compelled to support our mission.

Can I bring my kids?

St. Peter Chanel is a place for all people. We love children here and want to support you in their upbringing! We always encourage parents to bring their children to join us. However, everyone has their moments! If you need to go out with your children, feel free to use the narthex or our Holy Family rooms at the back of the Church on either side. But don't feel like you have to stay out, come back when you can! We also offer the nursery during the 9a and 10:45a Mass on Sundays for children ranging from 1 year old and walking through age 3. Space is limited.

What is there for families?

We love families and we are very excited to support our parents in passing on the gift of faith. We organize events such as our parish picnic, family parties and dinners, connect groups for families, as well as a monthly Family Faith Formation, which helps parents pass the faith on to their children. In addition, our middle and high school teens are invited to join us for our vibrant youth program, retreats, and events. Check out all the offerings for families, click here.

I need more information ...

Our welcome desk in the lobby has a variety of up-to-date information on all of our ministries and events. In addition, we invite you to consult our weekly bulletin, weekly e-blast or follow us on social media. Also, feel free to contact us by calling 678-277-9424 for further assistance.

I'm not Catholic, can I still participate?

Everyone is welcome to join us at Mass or any of our events. We'd love to have you. In terms of communion, as Catholics, we believe that Christ is fully present body, blood, soul, and divinity in the Eucharist we receive. Those from other faith traditions are encouraged and welcomed to come forward during communion with arms crossed to receive a special blessing. Otherwise, if your are interested receiving communion in the Catholic church, we suggest you check out our Becoming Catholic page.

How do I request a Mass Intention?

St. Peter Chanel acknowledges the importance of the tradition of requesting Masses to be said for the Repose of the Soul of our beloved dead. It is also appropriate and beneficial to have a Mass said for a special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary or for a special need, i.e. healing. Contact the receptionist at 678-277-9424.

How do I submit information to the bulletin?

Write up an article and email it to the bulletin editor. The bulletin is sent to the printer Monday for release six days later. Therefore, deadlines for inclusion are Friday, approximately 10 days before publication.

The editor reserves the right to edit for content and space.


How do I donate Altar Flowers

If you would like to have an arrangement/vase in memory of or in honor of a family member or friend, please use the link below.

Altar Flower Request

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