Helping to maintain the altar linens is a silent, generous way to serve God and the parish community. Parishioners take turns each week as the primary person or substitute responsible for collecting, cleaning, and pressing the linens used during the Masses and on the altar. Volunteers usually serve two or three times per year. We are always looking for substitute and primary volunteers.
The goal of an altar server is to serve God by helping the Priest and the Deacon at the celebration of the Mass in a variety of ways. To be an altar server, you have to have made your First Communion and be at least 9 years old.
The Chapel Ministry does light cleaning of the Church and Chapel on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Volunteers are always welcome.
This ministry is responsible for decorating the Church Sanctuary for all liturgical services. This includes flowers and seasonal décor for holidays, feast days and other special occasions. |
Lord Jesus, without seeing you with our bodily eyes, we believe that you are present in the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist is Christ yesterday, today and tomorrow. This is a very special and privileged ministry as we are authorized to dispense Holy Communion during Mass. Training sessions are held quarterly for new ministers as well as those who have served in other parishes. The minimum age for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is eighteen. To be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, you must take part in Eucharistic Adoration. Appointments to this ministry require the approval of the pastor.
The Greeters Ministry is a very rewarding and enjoyable ministry. From the very beginning of St. Peter Chanel, we offer a warm, welcome environment for newcomers as well as current members. We encourage everyone to join this ministry to help make each and every person feel welcome as they come to our Church to celebrate Mass.
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Greeter ApplicationLectors and Commentators serve our faith community as lay ministers by proclaiming the Word of God through scripture readings at Mass. Our goal is to help make God’s word come alive, and inspire contemplative reflection within the assembly. We strive to enhance the proclamation of God’s word through preparation, study and understanding of scripture. Appointments to this ministry require the approval of the pastor.
Through this ministry, certified Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take the Eucharist to parishioners who wish to receive Holy Communion but are unable to attend Mass due to illness or infirmity. This ministry is provided to fill both long-term and short-term needs for those who are hospitalized, homebound, or residents of a nursing home or assisted living facility. Appointments to this ministry require the approval of the pastor.
“Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all you lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” Ps. 100: 1-2
Our music ministry at St. Peter Chanel is blessed to have many talented staff and volunteer musicians who bring their expertise and spirituality to our ministry. Good music is a vital part of good liturgy, and we seek to serve the parish well in bringing a high standard of liturgical music to all our Masses and special liturgies throughout the year.
All of our musicians embrace the commitment and responsibility it takes to be involved in a ministry that is “on call” year round. We have opportunities for those with little or no formal training, as well as for professional musicians, to be involved in some aspect of the music at any of our weekend liturgies. You can be a member of a small ensemble or a larger SATB choir. Many of our choirs require no formal auditions to join.
If you are a professional or trained instrumentalist and wish to help in a more specialized fashion at our liturgies, there is an audition process in which you meet with the music director and are evaluated for sight-reading skills, as well as technique and ability on your instrument. We welcome you to prayerfully consider joining us and serving the Lord with the musical talents He has given you to use for His glory.
The Regis Guild maintains the craft of fine linen construction and care, necessary for the celebration of Mass here at St. Peter Chanel. Individuals who are competent at sewing and/or embroidery, and possess the capability to make handsome linens for our church, are encouraged to contact the ministry. Materials, guidance and support are provided.
The Sacristy Ministry is centered on preparation of the altar and altar area for the celebration of Mass. Sacristans arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of Mass. We ensure that the bread and wine are prepared to be brought to the altar during the presentation of gifts. We keep fresh candles on the altar. We replace the corporal (altar cloth), and place purificators (napkins for chalices) and towels out to be used during the celebration of Mass.
The goal of the Usher Ministry is to provide a neat, comfortable and orderly environment for the community during our celebration of the Mass. We also collect the tithes and offerings of our parishioners, and present these gifts to our celebrant during the Offertory of the Mass.