Jeff Greenway was baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant, but when it came time for him to receive the sacrament of Confirmation as a teenager, he chose a different path. In fact, he walked away from the Catholic Church and didn’t look back until later in his life. He compares his journey to the story of the Prodigal Son, recognizing that he yearned to fill a deep void in his life amidst the blessings of a loving wife, children, a great job and much more. Jeff and his wife chose a new path that led him to the decision to journey in the RCIA process. He shared this about his experience: “The camaraderie and fellowship at the weekly sessions were amazing. We enjoyed unique opportunities to explore the many facets of the Catholic faith, and address our questions. It was gloriously overwhelming, beautiful and downright breathtaking, and there were many Holy Spirit moments.” Jeff received the Sacrament of Confirmation in April of this year, and is grateful to be at a point in his life where his faith is an integral part of his vocation as a father and husband.